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Status open Maximum bids 1030
Retail Price $100.00 Bids still required
Quantity 1 Bids per person 10
Views 41 Bid entry fee $20.00
Posted on 07/28/2009, 12:00:52 PM Minimum bid $40.00
Shipping $ 6.00

Auction Description

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This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction.

Auction Features

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Additional Description

This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction.

This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction. This is sample description of the auction.



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