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* Demo uses machine translated language files. You can edit them for your use.
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Image: *
To add an image, click the 'Browse' button & select the file, or type the path to the file in the text-box. Image size must be less than 29 k.
Please provide a comma separated list of keywords related to the image.
Optimized URL Text: *
This text will be used as page name in all the link URLs for this image to help search engine optimization. This must be unique and must not contain & /?. characters.
Page Title: *
This text will be displayed in the browser's title bar for search engine optimization.
Meta Keywords: *
Specify comma separated list of keywords appropriate for this image. These will be used for search engine optimization. The value should not exceed 255 characters.
Meta Description: *
Specify brief description for this image. This will be used for search engine optimization. The value should not exceed 255 characters.
Validation Code: *

Specify the text displayed in the above validation code image. This text is not case sensitive.
NOTE:The file transfer can take from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the size of the file. Please have patience while the file is being uploaded. The file will be renamed if the file with the same name is already present.

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