function sbcurrency_display_format(amount) { sbseparator=','; sbdecimal_point='.'; amount=amount.toString().replace(/\./,sbdecimal_point); return(amount); } function sbcurrency_calculation_format(value) { value=value.toString().replace(/,/,"."); return value; } function seo_string(field_name,str,dirlist,is_admin) { dir_pat=RegExp("^("+dirlist.replace(/,/g,"|")+")$","i"); dir_str=dirlist.replace(/,/g,", "); if(is_admin) //for admin { if(str.match(/[& \/\?\.]/)) return (''+field_name+' must not contain & /?. characters'); else if(str.match(dir_pat) ) return ('This value of '+field_name+' is not allowed. Try appending / removing some characters to the value'); else return false; } else { if(str.match(/[& \/\?\.]/)) return (''+field_name+' must not contain & /?. characters~'); else if(str.match(dir_pat) ) return ('This value of '+field_name+' is not allowed. Try appending / removing some characters to the value~'); else return false; } } function seo_dircompare(arr) { for(i=0;i